Hi, I’m Jackie.
I’m a writer, coach and workshop facilitator helping people build the confidence and self-belief to fulfil their creative dreams.
I’ve had a varied life from the very start. My parents are from the Philippines but I was born in Rome and because my father was a journalist (that’s probably where my love of writing came from) I grew up in Hong Kong, Mexico City, Madrid and London. After finishing University, I worked as an English as a Foreign Language teacher and later marketed training courses in London. I then spent over sixteen years in the not-for-profit sector as a fundraiser and fundraising consultant before switching careers. I’m a trained counsellor (Transpersonal perspectives), an NLP Master Practitioner and a Certified Practitioner of Applied Neuroscience, so I weave these elements together with Shamanic practices and my own writing experience into the workshops I facilitate.
When I retired, I finally wrote the novel – a YA Fantasy – I’d been wanting to write for years and it was shortlisted for Peters Fraser & Dunlop’s Queer Fiction Prize in 2023. In the same year, I won the first Underrepresented Writer’s Bursary for Goldsboro Writing Academy’s Advanced Writing Programme.
My YA Fantasy, SHE WHO DEFIES THE ORDER is a coming-of-age story set in a reimagined Philippines that questions why men should dictate how women behave, and why we choose to override our own intuition (magic) in favour of logic, reason, and other people’s beliefs and opinions.
Future projects include a thriller through different time-frames or dimensions, a family saga and possibly an epic fantasy or, who knows, maybe a blend of all three!
In 2025, I am working alongside Writing Our Legacy on their Covert Talent Development Programme as well as facilitating workshops (see Offerings for more info)